Presented by Alison Leitheiser and special guest Kourtney Kaminsky

At the holidays, we get the opportunity to be with friends and family. Often, we are so burnt out and overwhelmed that we are too distracted and exhausted to really be present or truly enjoy the gift of being with our loved ones.

You deserve better! They deserve better!

This workshop is designed to make room in your nervous system for connection, both to your own body and to others.

With this work, we are able to experience, practice and upgrade our ability to be present and grounded in our bodies. This allows us to have an ever deepening ability to balance our nervous system and have increased capacity to truly enjoy the moment.

Come feel what it’s like to be more rooted and connected to yourself. Experientially receive the gift of these tools so that you can deepen into a new level of feeling grounded and being present. I’m so excited to share this time with you!

This 2-hour workshop recording gives you the guidance and tools to move stagnant energy in your body and decreases pain, stress and overwhelm.

Walk away feeling more present, calm, peaceful, and empowered to use these tools again and again to recreate better balance, decrease fatigue and pain. Experience a grounded calm in your nervous system.

Get strategies to refresh an overstimulated or fatigued brain. We will be deliberately moving, breathing, visualizing and doing specific techniques on different nerves in the body to create this calming effect.

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Here's What You Get:

Group Workshop - connect for two hours through to dive deep into content and experiential training to create and nurture your ability to ground and be present

Grounded and Present Study Guide - we equip and empower you with descriptions of the workshop content so you can easily navigate and recreate the amazing drills for yourself over and over again to extend and deepen that sense of calm and peace.

Self-Healing Drills - exact information about what to do and how to do it for maximized healing and integration on a mind, body and spirit level

Embodied Visualizations - paired with the experiential training, these guided imagery experiences help you create new neural pathways in your body for deeper healing, grounding and presence.

Respiration Training - you take around 20,000 breaths a day, implement these tools to make each one count and to influence your mind, body and spirit 

Your Cost Today:

$197 $375

What Alison's Clients Are Saying

"My journey and chronic pain has taken me to see MDs, Oncologists, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists, Chiropractic and finally landed me in Ali's hands.

She has given me tools to use at home to help me reset my body and I am learning to identify triggers. These new modalities are not only making a difference in my daily life but are proving to eliminate my chronic pain and are improving my relationships. 

Ali's whole body approach to healing ourselves has served me very well, I have never felt so connected to myself. 

I am surprised after years of searching for someone to fix me, in only a few months, Ali has empowered me and guided me to uncover so much and has propelled my healing to a whole new level. 

I believe my growth is infinite with Ali in my corner, she helps me help myself!"  —Carol

 Ali has had a profound effect on both my husband and my health. After spending years going to numerous doctors around the country, I was so pleased to find Ali and to be done with the search!

Ali's care was incredibly comprehensive. She was able to help my body heal a myriad of issues including my digestive tract, unhealed sports injuries, Lyme disease flare-ups, vision inconsistencies, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

Ali has given me the tools to continue to work with and heal my husband and my bodies. — Nora