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More Healing,

More Hope

I want to help you actually restore your health inside and out and take charge of your life again. What if you could feel more empowered, connected to yourself and healthier in just a few months?

Gain skills to help restore yourself now and support yourself as you move into the future. Greet what comes with each day with confidence, energy and vibrancy.


More Healing,

More Hope

I want to help you actually restore your health inside and out and take charge of your life again. What if you could feel more empowered, connected to yourself and healthier in just a few months?

Gain skills to help restore yourself now and support yourself as you move into the future. Greet what comes with each day with confidence, energy and vibrancy.

Hi, I'm Alison Leitheiser

Everyone has their own challenges, but when I was 16, mine stopped me in my tracks! I had seizures, fatigue, organ damage and paralysis. I could not move from the neck down. A virus had gotten into my spinal cord and I became quadriplegic. Unwilling to accept my seat on the sidelines, I wanted to participate in life more and spent two decades learning and healing.

My experiences changed the course of my life as I found a passion for helping others find hope and healing. I started my road as an alternative health care practitioner in 2002, started my own clinical practice in 2009 and today I love working with people's health challenges and helping them find their way to wellness. Now I want to give that experience of feeling better, help you to participate in life more and reclaim your health!

Can you imagine having more agency to improve your health YOURSELF? Begin to have more freedom & be less reliant on doctors & constant appointments! 

here are 3 ways this jumpstart will change your life forever:

Life changer #1

 Discover how to use your daily symptoms to shape your personal treatment plan to have more freedom

Life Changer #2

Engage with tangible and quick tools that you can begin to use to take action and reduce your symptoms today

Life Changer #3

 Unlock the key to your freedom by learning to listen to your body so you can make better choices towards healing

“I love Ali’s program. I love learning to really listen to my body and understand what it’s trying to tell me. I love learning about all the ways my body works so hard to keep me going even in the midst of difficulty.

It’s amazing how the human body can heal if given the chance, and every day I’m improving with the tools and skills Ali has provided me. I don’t have to fear the cramps and headache the ibuprofen.

I am capable of caring for myself in a way that I never was before. And I can care for my family now, too, which is an even greater blessing.” — Jessica

She has given me tools to use at home to help me reset my body and I am learning to identify triggers. These new modalities are not only making a difference in my daily life but are proving to eliminate my chronic pain and are improving my relationships.

My journey and chronic pain has taken me to see MDs, Oncologists, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists, Chiropractic and finally landed me in Ali's hands. I am surprised after years of searching for someone to fix me, in only a few months, Ali has empowered me and guided me to uncover so much and has propelled my healing to a whole new level. 

I believe my growth is infinite with Ali in my corner, she helps me help myself!

— Carol

I am surprised after years of searching for someone to fix me, in only a few months, Ali has empowered me and guided me to uncover so much and has propelled my healing to a whole new level. 

I was honestly afraid I was going to die. I was sleeping 14 hours a day. I cried a lot. I didn't want to miss my daughter growing up. I really had a victim mentality before being in the program. I felt hopeless and I was at the end of my rope.

I have been sick before and gotten better. I have been on lots of healing journeys, but this time, I thought... 'I cannot pull a rabbit out of a hat!' I didn't know what else to do.

I’m so appreciative of all the knowledge in the Inner Restoration program. I don't feel that way anymore. Now, I feel empowered, I have hope.

I know I have a tough journey ahead of me but I have tools and I know I can do it, and I could not have said that before I started the Inner Restoration program.

The information helped me understand the why behind my symptoms


I have done a lot of alternative therapies over the years. Alison helped me connect all the dots in my entire life. And now I have tools to fix it. Alison really had some different information and I’m so grateful I took this program! - Toni

Ali has had a profound effect on both my husband and my health. After spending years going to numerous doctors around the country, I was so pleased to find Ali and to be done with the search!

Ali's care was incredibly comprehensive. She was able to help my body heal a myriad of issues including my digestive tract, unhealed sports injuries, Lyme disease flare-ups, vision inconsistencies, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

Ali has given me the tools to continue to work with and heal my husband and my bodies.  — Nora

Ali's whole body approach to healing ourselves has served me very well, I have never felt so connected to myself.

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